3-Day LIVE with Susan Kerby

Discover the words that share your Soul's truth so your message will be received by the world.

Unleash your natural charisma and be compelling on any stage, and in any selling situation.

Shift ingrained patterns that are lurking and still sabotaging your success.

Speak your Soul's truth with power and grace, freely attracting ever more business.
Craft talks to offer the truth that is yours alone to offer and consistently have audiences saying to themselves, "I want that!"​​​​​​​

3-day live with Susan
October 2019, Los Angeles

(don't keep your people waiting)
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"Speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we all have."
                                                       ​​​​​​​Oprah Winfrey
Thank you for your willingness to honor your calling, and for your courage to speak the truth that is yours alone to speak.
I am Susan Kerby
Messenger for Messengers
Speak Your Truth
I am passionate about people being awake and present to life; ordinary people transforming their world with their words; a world that works for everyone, this shall be. 

I first dreamed and declared that commitment in 1998.  It seemed an impossible dream.  Who am I to declare that?
​​​​​​​And yet, what I didn't know at the time was, my life had been set in motion to prepare me to do my part to make that real. 

I followed the urges and the nudges that often felt like pushes and shoves. I said yes to things because in my gut, I knew, if I was to become the messenger I was destined to be, I couldn't say no.  My heart pulled me and my brain steered me. Often, in the midst of my confusion I would just do what I felt was right, even when I wanted to run. 

"Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will." 
Suzy Kassem 
One day,  standing in the hall outside the seminar room I had rented, 5 participants waiting for me to start,  I was doubting myself, my message, my calling.  Was I doing the right thing for me? 

From my doubt, I began to question God.

The argument went something like this:
     Me: "Really God?! This is Your big idea, speaker training?! Wouldn't You rather have me speak about how You came to find me?"
     God: "I'll bring you my messengers.  You have them be good."  

     Me: "OK, fine. If You say so. I'll keep doing what you trained me to do."

Believe it or not, even a direct message from God left me
 questioning myself because I wasn't speaking my whole truth.  I couldn't see bringing my passion for God into my speaking business.

I was doing what other people told me to do to get clients.  "Don't use the word God, it offends people." 
​​​​​​​Besides, if I did tell them God was talking directly to me, they'd think I was crazy. 
I was struggling to get my content right.

And I was still very worried about finding my people.  

​​​​​​​I was working really hard and not getting a lot of clients. 

After 18 months, I was ready to give up. So I had another discussion with God.
     Me: "I'm done. I'm tired.  This isn't easy.  And I don't want to do it anymore."

     God: "I told you I'd bring them.  Stop hunting them down."

​​​​​​​     Me: "Oh, that is what You said. Well, if You're going to bring them, OK then. 
​​​​​​​              But, I'm done worrying about this and trying to make it all happen by myself.  I'm counting on You. 
​​​​​​​              I'm done going to business-building events trying to prove myself.
              I'm done pretending to be further along than I am in order to fit in and belong.
              I'm only showing up to this next business-building event because I want to.
              I'm just going because I like being with the other transformational leaders.
              And, I am not withholding my truth anymore.  I'm going to tell it like it really is and if they don't like it, too bad.
              If You want to build my business, that's up to You."

"Faith builds more dreams than effort ever will." 
Susan Kerby 
All my efforts working hard to push the world around as a worried messenger couldn't pay off while I was withholding my truth.  That's not the way dreams are built. The more willing I became to speak my truth and just do my part, the more I allowed God to direct the universe and let the world turn as it is designed, the more messengers began to show up...miraculously.

The truth is, to me it is miraculous you're here reading this page.  I feel blessed to be chosen to be the messenger for messengers who are honoring your call to speak your truth and change your world.

You don't have to already believe you're a messenger, to step in.  If you like the thought of speaking your truth and having it make a difference, a dream can sprout from that small amount of trust. 

Trust that you are being called to
​​​​​​​speak the truth only you can speak.

If you want my guidance on how to say it
in a way your truth is maximally received,
click the button below and register now.

3-day live with Susan
October 2019, Los Angeles

 (your future is just getting started)
Click Here

The biggest lessons I learned on my journey to speaking my truth:


When you speak your truth, miracles happen.

When you speak your truth, the message your entire life has been preparing you to deliver gets clear.

When you speak your truth, your ideal people find you and your message moves them.

When you speak your truth, everything belongs. Your quirks, your setbacks, and of course, your brilliance. 

When you speak your truth, you begin to show up more and more as the best, most engaging version of yourself.

All of this is very different than my experience when I thought I had to withhold my truth. 

When you withhold your truth, everything seems upstream from where you are and requires real muscle to make any progress. 
When you withhold your truth, it feels like your destined message keeps slipping through your fingers. 

When you withhold your truth, you're left wondering if your ideal people even exist. 

When you withhold your truth, it's hard to know what to reveal and what to keep to yourself.

And worst of all, when you withhold your truth it's hard (maybe impossible) to ever be fully recognized and received.

3-Day LIVE with Susan Kerby

Here's what you'll do uncover the truth only you can deliver   . . .  

Dive into the question, "What's my Soul's message?"

Somewhere within you, there's a message that's bigger and wiser than you. Let's discover where it's hiding and give it a chance to be heard.  When we dive deep, we find answers that seem like they have been eluding you for years. I have a gift of seeing and organizing the important puzzle pieces that begin to reveal the message longing to come through you. You'll get immediate feedback from the other participants confirming that we're on track.

Finally understand how you've been unconsciously sabotaging your success.

We all have unconscious patterns that work for us and some that work against us. The challenge is that they're invisible to us.  Fortunately, after working with amazing speakers for over 30 years, I'm able to intuit what's you and what's not you and reveal the patterns that no longer serve you and together, we begin to shift them on the spot. 

Master your ability to be more compelling and charismatic on any stage, including any selling situation. 

This is what we all want right?  Unfortunately, we've all received a lot of bad advice about what it takes. Let's turn all that around. The key to being more compelling and charismatic is to become what I call a "well-trained natural."  This is the ability to be your best self on purpose. 

Be seen for your power and your grace naturally attracting more business.

You've been training your entire life for your mission.  There is no one more qualified than you.  When you embody your mission, you're seen for who you really are.  This is what naturally attracts more business. 

Discover how to craft a talk that consistently has audiences saying to themselves, "I Want That!" 
​​​​​​​You'll learn my creative and powerful 10-step process that turns audience members into excited participants who want what you've got before you even offer it to them.  You'll be able to use this process to craft compelling new talks time and time again, and easily upgrade talks you've already created.

​​​​​The Result: 
​​​​​​​You will have more trust and more confidence to speak your truth and show up as your best self and deliver the message you have prepared your whole life to deliver.


​​​​​​​If you are feeling called to be a messenger, I am told you are coming. 

It is time to speak your truth, the world is waiting for you.


3-day live with Susan

October 2019, Los Angeles

(it's no big deal...
just the future of the world)
Click Here

"When I came to Susan Kerby's 3-day seminar,  I didn't think I was a messenger.  I was there as a volunteer.  When I wasn't running errands, I was in the back of the room as leader support for Susan.  During the seminar when Susan asked everyone, 'Imagine, a year from now, who are you speaking to? What difference is your message making?'  I saw a group of large, sweaty, women in sports bras with water bottles, sitting in chairs, listening to my message.  As an Athena class Tri-athlete myself, it was clear to me that I was being called to coach and encourage other Athena women to cross the starting line.  I surprised myself (and Susan) when I said, 'Yes" to being in her group program.  Susan heard these words for my soul's message, 'Don't wait to be small, Go Big.'  YES! What a gift!  Thank you, Susan, from the bottom of my heart and the hearts of the women I now champion." 
 Kyla Lupo

UPDATE FROM KYLA    Sat, Feb 23, 2019 8:50 AM  email 

Dearest Susan,

Here’s what I need to tell you:
You are amazing. What you do is so unique and beautiful and important to this world. No one else can do it the way you do it. You actually teach people how to write a talk that lets them shine. You give them tools and skills and, most importantly, insight. You create a room where everyone can be vulnerable and you LISTEN to them and the divine. And weave it all together. I’m so grateful to know you and I’m so grateful for all you’ve done for me. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. 

Longer story:
I went to a speaking event here in Chicago. Billed as helping folks get their “signature talk” and "how to find and book speaking gigs." (Since I alreay have my talk, thanks to you, I really went, since I'm new in Chicago, to learn about finding speaking gigs.) 
Lordy Lordy. I am so disappointed.  The way they listened to me, is so not the way you listen for me. 

At one point they asked us to state what we believe. That moment the universe gave me “I believe that every woman can cross the finish line in the body she has right now.”  Wow, what a beautiful download! Next they had us work backwards from our statement of belief to figure out the words for the title and the offer and all that. 

I stood up to get coaching from them. I can’t even tell you how painful it was to have them tear apart my beautiful truth and have the most important parts left behind. I felt like they didn't hear me. And, not long into the coaching, I didn't want to hear any more from them. At one point, I just started nodding my head and agreeing because if it didn’t end soon, I was going to burst into tears. 
With their coaching, there was no “divine download”  - and, there was no honoring of what I actually am trying to do. My soul's beautiful statement of truth was smushed into a traditional sales pitch. 

With your coaching, I hear the divine speak through you  - and, the work I am called to do is honored. My soul's message is being received.

Dear woman, keep doing what you are doing. Keep shining that light. You are the only one who can. I love you. 


"After Susan Kerby's 3 day, I feel so aligned with my message and the response has been wonderful!  At a networking event, I got as far as, 'I show people how to have compassion for their anxiety' and a woman literally threw her arms around me and said, 'I love you, I need this!'  I was stunned.    Another woman blurted out in the middle of our conversation, 'Can I hire you?' -which has never happened before - and she signed up for a VIP session!" 

Lynn Hauka

"It didn’t take long for me to recognize that Susan’s gift of bringing out our true gifts and giving us permission to shine was just what I needed. I have used the gift of being an Oracle my whole life, especially with helping my clients find their purpose. However, until I worked with Susan, even my husband didn't know I had that gift. As I was being coached on Susan's stage,  I got the freedom to speak my truth and become 'The Oracle on Purpose.'  Now I lead with my gifts.  I can’t thank Susan enough for all she’s done to improve my life, my business, and my bottom line!"

Lia Dunlap, The Oracle On Purpose
Intuitive Business Architect

"Sometimes your only available transportation is a leap of faith." 
Margaret Shepard 

3 day live with Susan
October 2019, Los Angeles

(miracles await)
Click Here

Susan Kerby is a master messenger trainer who speaks about how to get your authentic voice out into the world to small business owners and corporate professionals. During her 30-year speaking career, Susan has worked with publicly traded companies, international training organizations and icons of public speaking. 

​​​​​​​An award-winning speaker who has transformed over 15,000 lives from stage, she has written countless talks with clients in over 20 different industries. After losing her home and a lifetime of possessions in a wildfire, Susan shares her own growth through transition and the importance of sharing your story to inspire others.


“People awake and present to life. Ordinary people transforming the world with their words. A world that works for everyone. This shall be.” 

Susan Kerby,  Life Mission Statement written 1998 
I am Susan Kerby and I am committed to honor, belonging and enchanted play. Answering this call myself, I have been rewarded with a blessed life. For 30 years my husband has been managing the back of the room in my seminars because he loves me and even more so because watching the moments of personal and professional growth of my clients inspires him.  We just moved into a stunning home in Carefree, Arizona where we host my VIP clients and speaker immersion retreats. The desert view at sunset is breathtaking. (The red-sun-over-mountains photo below is one of many I have taken from the steps leading down to our infinity pool.)

Surrendering to the call however, is not always easy.

“The darker the situation, the brighter your light will shine.” 

Joel Osteen

October 10, 2017 at 1 am, we lost our home and a lifetime of possessions in a wildfire that swept through Santa Rosa, California and took 5,000 homes.  I felt both loss and freedom. I felt called to go. And I fully believed, this would turn out well for me. As I carried this cross like it was a miracle in the midst of unfolding (because I had no doubt it was), people watched me. I was told with awe, "your faith is amazing."  I replied, "I have evidence for my faith.  It always has turned out well for me."

Many times in my life, it had looked hopeless and I would exclaim, "why me?"  Then, I'd get curious and wonder, "OK, why me?" and I would tell God, "I hope this is useful for someone." With faith, I would take the next step and invariably, my journey was always useful to someone. 
I have come to see that sharing the darkness we walk through in life is more inspiring than the brightest of days. Authenticity is what builds trust and desire.
​​​​​​​I am grateful that everything we go through is of value to someone when you are a messenger.  The truth is, everything in life has been preparing you for this moment.  As you bring your message to life, everything belongs.
When you speak your truth, 
​​​​​​​your message changes lives.

3-day live with Susan
October 2019, Los Angeles

ive the people looking for you
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Susan Kerby
(707) 800-9411 